Willowpark Australian Cattle Dogs


December 31, 2016

Final day of the year and it looks like Willowpark have won the Dogzonline Breeder competition for the third year in a row.  The competition is the biggest pointscore system in Australia, and we are very satisfied to win it again, considering the Endurance Test and most of the herding trials in NSW were cancelled for the year, thanks to bad weather.  Some of the dogs have done multiple 2000km round trips to compete in herding trials this year.  

We are proud that our dogs have won at herding, obedience, rally o and in the show ring.  We enjoy producing young dogs and competing in a variety of sports.  Showing every weekend we would find very boring and showing the one dog every weekend just doesnt interest us. We are proud that we continue to produce competitive youngsters. This year was the 4th year in a row Willowpark won the Best ACD Puppy at Sydney Royal, and we've won it every time with bitches. 

2013  Ch Willowpark Poker Face

2014 Ch Willowpark Denim & Lace

2015 Ch Willowpark Whiz Kid

2016 Ch Willowpark Have A Lil Faith

We actually dont believe in 'breeding for oneself to show', we enjoy producing dogs for every purpose, for others to enjoy, and all round great examples of the breed.  The show ring success we have had with many dogs is really just the icing on the cake, and a nice reminder that judges appreciate the dogs type and conformation. 

2017 should be very exciting as well, with hopefully 2 Dual Champions, 3 great youngsters and Sandra retiring from full time work so we can do even more with the dogs. 

Every year we just fall more in love with Ted (WP Bush Tribute).  What he is achieving as a sire is phenomenal and now with his son Buster (WP Bush Buster) in America doing some serious winning his credentials as a sire just grow.  Ted was never a world beater in the show ring, a late maturer and much more interested in working stock but with our focus as breeders being beyond the showring we were never fussed about his lack of show ring success.  

So finishing off 2016 with some recent photos of WP dogs around Australia. 

Recently Mindy (WP Soul Sister) went off to live with Ann in northern NSW.

December 24, 2016

Mick and Ava wish all our website visitors, friends, and extended family a very festive and merry Christmas. Try to have more fun than Mick wearing a santa hat!

December 21, 2016

Summertime is certainly here and Maggie with her best friend Ellie are making the most of it.  Maggie is another very good looking progeny of Ted (WP Bush Tribute).

December 11, 2016

Pria (WP Whiz Kid) and Abbey (WP Burn For You) did really well at the Parramatta & District show today. We usually only show pups, and once titled show the next generation.  However we decided to give Pria a spin today and after over 1.5 years out of the ring she came out and won a 12pt Best of Breed.  Little Abbey had her first show in Minor Puppy and was Reserve Bitch to Pria.  So happy with the girls. 


*****Also, due to dramas with Bigpond, where we can receive emails but not send.  If you need to get into contact with us please call on 0431 431 814

December 4, 2016

The herding trialing season is over but Zac (WP Custom Made) still loves getting the chance to work ducks. We think the pekings are almost as photogenic as Zac.  The indian runners are a fair bit quicker across the ground!


Pria's (WP Whiz Kid) daughter Kelly (Erudite Fantasia) saw ducks for the first time and worked them beautifully.  So calm and sensible with a nice intensity to do the job.  Kelly picked up driving quickly as well, which is moving the stock away from the handler, but then covered and fetched when asked.  A very promising pup!

December 1, 2016

So many podium photos from Buster (WP Bush Buster) in America, plus a beautiful one of him as a house companion.


November 30, 2016

This year Damien has taken 2 of our girl pups, Kubra and Koda.  These 2 are very much living the good life, and Koda has even met up with her litter brother Cisco for a play date.


November 29, 2016

Two gorgeous Ted (WP Bush Tribute) daughters!  We are so happy with him as a sire, as he has bred stunners with females from various lines.  

Cindy (Tamachel Little Ariel) and Pria (WP Whiz Kid)


November 28, 2016

Margaret sent us these photos of her Bailey (WP Chasing Dreams).  We love the one of Bailey having a chat with the cows as it represents so much of what we breed for, sensible dogs. 

November 23, 2016

Two beautiful animals we have bred - Max (Tigers Sweet Invite) and Flame (WP Royal Flush), owned by Steph. They are great friends. 


Darcey (WP Blue Skye) has also found herself a little friend!

November 20, 2016

This is Kelly (Erudite Fantasia), she is a daughter of Pria (WP Whiz Kid).  Kelly is 10 months old and demonstrating some really nice natural ability.  Whilst our dogs dont work like a kelpie or border collie they do demonstrate some very handy traits. Certainly worthy of working on a team and being the 'heavy hitters' when needed.  Pria was purposely selected as her mother Molly (WP Red Amy) had shown a strong eye for a cattle dog and was calm around all stock.  Molly had also already produced biddable working dogs.  Pria's sire Ted (WP Bush Tribute) had from day 1 demonstrated a desire to head stock and was determined to keep stock grouped together.  These are qualities that have to be genetically selected for in the hope the progeny inherit that hard wiring. Pria was then mated under the Erudite prefix to a dog which displays a wider outrun and sits off stock much more, he has also proven his abilty to pass that on. Kelly is one of the resulting progeny. 

At 10 months old we are just letting her get a feel for the best way to control sheep, without instruction, just guidance. 

November 19, 2016

Another promising pup for Willowpark.  Abbey (WP Burn For You) went to her first show today, a double, where she won both Baby of Breeds and a Baby in Group. 

November 14, 2016

Buster (WP Bush Buster) is on a roll.  We are so proud of what he and his mum Michele are achieving.  

Buster has been to 3 shows in America and at only 7 months is already half way to his American Champion title. 

His first show - Puppy in Show at the ACD Nationals - beating over 50 other puppies

2nd show - Winners Dog, Best of Winners & Puppy In Show (All Breeds)

3rd show Best of Breed & Group 4th! This was at the Colorado Springs Kennel Club and he beat some very competitive dogs, including BISS winners. Official photo to follow!

November 5, 2016

The very adorable and handsome Thunda (WP Thunda Down Unda), at 12 weeks and 2 days old went to his first shows.  Thunda is soon heading to Italy and we will miss him greatly.  He has the best personality.

Thunda won 2 of the 3 Baby Puppy in Group awards, amoung some very beautiful babies. 

October 30, 2016

Buster (WP Bush Buster) is doing amazing in America.  At the Buckhorn Valley Kennel Club Show he won Best Puppy in Working Group then went onto Best Puppy in Show!  He is certainly turning a few heads in America.  He was also Winners Dog and Best of Winners.

October 23, 2016

Today at the Brush Farm Rally Obedience Trial Pria (WP Whiz Kid) had her first go in the Advanced class, getting a 1st place and 2 qualifying scores.  Zac and Tess also did great both getting qualifying scores in the Masters class.

October 20, 2016

This is the very cute Buster (WP Blue Barren) who lives on the NSW Central Coast with Craig and his family.  He is from the last Ted x Mindy litter

October 16, 2016

This weekend Zac (WP Custom Made) competed at the Border Collie Club of NSW Duck Trial.  As Zac already has his Started title he was in the next one up, the Novice class.  He was such a good boy and really likes working ducks.  He won both days and earned his first 2 qualifying scores towards his Novice A duck title.

October 10, 2016

Over the weekend Zac (WP Custom Made), Tess (WP Inevitablue), Mick (WP Mick Dundee) and Pria (WP Whiz Kid) headed to Victoria to compete at the Rottweiler Club of Victoria Open Herding trial.  Zac was in the Novice sheep class which he did really well and got the 3rd pass needed for his HNAs title.  Intermediate is on the cards for next year for him.  Tess was in the Novice cattle class and she also did well, penning stock on both her runs.  She also won the award for the Highest Scoring Conformation Titled Dog.

Both Pria and Mick improved greatly in their cattle runs.  Both have inherited Teds (WP Bush Tribute) strong fetching instinct so just a little bit more training is needed to help 'push' the cattle forward.  They both like to keep bringing the handler the cows when sometimes they need to take them away from the handler...  some training over summer establishing some solid drive commands should see them do really well in cattle trials next year.  Mick did great with one cow standing him up, Mick held his ground and waited for the cow to retreat and when it refused to he convinced it with a well placed poll bite. Pria had one cow turn in a gate way and charge her.  She was lightning quick with a nose bite.


October 2, 2016

Yani (Blue Yarni) and her owner Megan did great at their first NoseWorks Trial, winning the NW1 Container Search and getting second place overall in the NW1 Division.  What a great nose you have Yani!

September 30, 2016

Check out our gorgeous, very versatile Zac (WP Custom Made) picking up ducks for the first time in 2 years.  Zac has won a High in Trial All Breeds on ducks from the started class but now he is going to start competing in the higher levels.  He quite likes working ducks!  Zac also competes in cattle and sheep trials.

September 28, 2016

Metro Mid Week trial today and Zac (WP Custom Made) got the 1st of his 10 passes needed for his Dual Ch (RO) title today.

September 27, 2016

More herding talent, this time from one of our extended family.  Esme (Erudite Esmeralda) at 9 months old demonstrating some really handy instinct.  This ability to catch the eye of the stock she is working will make her a really versatile worker... with the ability to drive, steer and stop stock. Esme is a daughter of Pria (WP Whiz Kid) and her dad is an American based boy who works daily on a Kansas ranch.

September 24, 2016

Pria (WP Whiz Kid) and Mick (WP Mick Dundee) loved being back at training, which has been suspended since May due to flood damage.  Pria is such a good dog, will take on any cow, move any cow yet is so sensible with sheep. Truly versatile



Mick is learning to do longer outruns and increase his speed

September 20, 2016

We are so excited! Actually that would be an understatement. Recently we sent Buster (WP Bush Buster) to live in America.  His new mum entered him in his first show - The Australian Cattle Dog Club of America National Specialty.  Buster won his 3- 5 month old class and then went on to be Best Puppy in Show, beating over 50 puppies, some almost 18 months old. 

Here are some casual photos of Buster.

September 18, 2016

The ever reliable Tess (WP Inevitablue) got the 7th and final pass for her Rally Master title. Such a good girl with some really high scores! 

September 17, 2016

Some studio photos thanks to the brilliant Sydney photographer Christopher Jay Photography of Mick (WP Mick Dundee).

We did these to celebrate Mick being Sydney Royal Best of Breed AND getting his HSAs title.

September 13, 2016

Some of Micks (WP Mick Dundee) babies.  This 6 week old boy looks to be heading to Europe to represent our kennel.  We are just in love with him, so cuddly and just so handsome.

Dusk (WP Kakadu Dusk) is growing so nicely.  She is so much like her mum Breeze (WP Blue Breeze) in personality.  Mick looks to be following in his dads shoes as a great sire.

September 12, 2016

We had a great weekend at the Victorian Herding Association trial.  Both Pria (WP Whiz Kid) and Mick (WP Mick Dundee) finished off their HSAs titles.  Mick did 2 lovely runs!  He is such a stylish boy in the trial arena. 

Both also had their first cattle trial, with some really nice style, attitude and understanding.  We can't wait to continue trialling them on cattle.

August 31, 2016

Darcey's (WP Blue Skye) IPO training is going great.  We really hope she can get to IPO1 down the track.

August 28, 2016

Another title for the talented Zac (WP Custom Made).  He earned his Rally Masters title, with the new changes to the sport making the pass mark higher in the RM class he got the 7th and final pass over 85/100 needed.  Next step is his Dual Ch (RO) title!

August 27, 2016

Red (WP Rugby Red) worked the premier of 'The Secret Life of Pets'.  He is such a star!

August 14, 2016

Megan and Yani (WP Blue Yarni) have been kicking some goals in the sport of K9Noseworks. This sport simulates the work detector dogs do, with Yani getting her first odour qualification, sniffing out the correct scent in under 10 seconds!

Yani has so many fabulous tricks and Megan has promised us a new video.

August 8, 2016

Zac (WP Custom Made) and Dusk (WP Kakadu Dusk) spent the day in lovely Watsons Bay doing a photo shoot for a famous Australian magazine.  We cant wait to share the photos when published!

August 7, 2016

The dogs did so well at the Dog Lovers Show.  Saturday we had Zac, Pria & Dusk and on Sunday we had Zac,Tess, Pria & Anna.  Hundreds of people had their photos taken with them, and lots of cuddles were given. We were just so proud of the dogs.  Lots of tricks for the general public.

August 5, 2016

This weekend Sandra and some of the WP dogs will be at the Sydney Dog Lovers Show, on the Australian Cattle Dog stand. Come in and say hi if your around.

August 2, 2016

This really talented, pretty girl is looking for a new home through absolute no fault of her own. Ruby isnt WP breeding but we know both her parents well and can stand behind her temperament and breeding. Ruby knows many tricks and her owners describe her as a delight.  She is situated in Warrandyte, Victoria and is 4 years old, desexed and up to date with all her vaccinations.  If you would like to know more please call Catherine on 0409 086 007.

August 1, 2016

The gorgeous Kubra is doing so well in her new home!

July 31, 2016

Congratulations to Margaret and Bailey (WP Chasing Dreams) on doing so well at her obedience club.

July 29, 2016

Anna (WP Have A Lil Faith) did us proud by winning the final points for her Australian Champion title.  Such a stunning girl and we were thrilled to get some amazing feedback from well respected dog show legends about her quality. She also won Best Junior in Group as well.

July 25, 2016

The gorgeous Ella (WP Heartbreaker) is in pup to Mick (WP Mick Dundee).  We cant wait to see these pups! We are anticipating they should be very correct, typey pups.

July 24, 2016

Our 2 new pups who we will be calling Smoke and Ash.  These girls are full sisters to Mick (WP Mick Dundee) and Anna (WP Have A Lil Faith) - Best of Breed and Runner Up Best of Breed at Sydney Royal this year.  We look forward to showing them both in the puppy class at next years Sydney Royal.

July 24, 2016

Zac (WP Custom Made) and Tess (WP Inevitablue) get high scores again in Rally Masters, with Tess getting second place with 99/100. 

July 10, 2016

Zac (WP Custom Made) and Tess (WP Inevitablue) are getting closer to their Rally Masters titles.  Zac scored himself a 2nd place and Tess also got another qualification at the Penrith Kennel Club trial.

July 8, 2016

Red (WP Rugby Red) ran the kicking tee out during a QLD Reds game.  Red is still only 2yo so we cant wait to see what else he learns to do in the coming years.  Congratulations to Justin Jordan on his hugely successful partnership with Red.  The atmosphere, the pressure to get it right and with thousands of people watching, you guys nailed it.


July 5, 2016

Our pup Alby, which we were hoping to keep as a stud dog but we are not quite confident he would be suitable, has found a great new home and it was love at first sight for these two. 

July 3, 2016

These dogs are certainly proving to be good at Rally Obedience!  Another 1st place in Masters (the highest level) for Tess (WP Inevitablue).  Zac also got a pass and finished in 5th.  Very cold conditions at the ACT Canine Spectacular weekend!

One of our extended family also gained his Rally Novice title on the weekend, with Ted's (WP Bush Tribute) son Dude (Tamachel I Am The Dude) doing really well with his owner Nicky.

June 26, 2016

The Willowpark team is on a roll! Zac (WP Custom Made) wins the Rally Master class at the Deer Bush Obedience Trial and Tess (WP Inevitablue) also earns a qualifying score.

June 25, 2016

At the Macarthur Obedience Trial Tess (WP Inevitablue) won the Open/CDX class with a score of 192/200 and Pria (WP Whiz Kid) was second in CCD with a score of 96/100.  Such good girls.



Zac's (WP Custom Made) role on Animal Planet made it to US TV.  Here he is playing the role of 'Jess'




June 24, 2016

We took the dogs to work cattle again and got some great photos.


June 19, 2016

At the Blacktown Kennel Club Obedience Trial Zac (WP Custom Made) and Pria (WP Whiz Kid) both did super.  Both competing in the rain Zac scored his first qualifiying score (182/200) in the Open/CDX ring and Pria earning her first CCD qualifier with 2nd place on a countback.

Zac doing some of his lovely heel work

June 18, 2016

Another one of Ted's (WP Bush Tribute) kids have earned their Australian Champion show title, with Freya (Austrax In Your Honour) finishing off her points with a Best of Breed.

June 16, 2016

Our very special Breeze (WP Blue Breeze) just loves her new home.  She was always such a beautiful girl and we knew she would love to live the life of spoilt house dog... a role she has taken to very well!

June 10, 2016

We have been very lucky with a local Angus breeder inviting us to come train our dogs.  The dogs eyes just light up with the chance to work cattle.  Each week we will train the dogs in different scenarios with working cattle. This was Pria's (WP Whiz Kid) first time seeing cattle and she is one ballsy little girl.  Not taking a single backwards step everytime she was challenged.  As it was her first time she was on a long line to make sure she would remember the commands from all her sheep training, without adrenalin taking over. Zac (WP Custom Made) and Tess (WP Inevitablue) slipped right back into their work.

May 22, 2016

More success this weekend with Zac (WP Custom Made) and Tess (WP Inevitablue) having their first trial in the Rally Masters class.  This was at the Greater Western trial in Bathurst.  Tess won the morning trial on 97/100, beating some stiff competition including an Obedience Grand Champion, and Zac was 2nd in the afternoon trial. 

May 19, 2016

Some recent photos of WP dogs in their great new homes.

Plus our gorgeous Breeze (WP Blue Breeze) who is now living the life of a spolit house dog

May 16, 2016

One of the Pria (WP Whiz Kid) puppies, at just 20 weeks old.  So trainable, so much talent.

People have asked why we do so much training on sheep. Mostly because they are more accessible for us but also most trainers of working cow dogs start their dogs on sheep (border collies/kelpies ect).  It is easier to refine and teach commands. Our dogs also work cattle and have won at many ANKC cattle trials.

We actually feel it is credible that our dogs effectively work sheep.  One attribute of a good working dog is to be able to apply appropriate pressure to the stock, to read and 'rate' stock.  This indicates bidability, intelligence and a desire to work with the stockman - the job is about moving and controlling stock, not just rushing in and biting to serve the dogs own desire. 

May 15, 2016

Another day of herding and showing for WP dogs.  Anna (WP Have a Lil Faith) was Runner Up Best of Breed from an entry of 14 cattle dogs at the Ladies Kennel Club Shows.  Willow (WP Deja Blue) won a 9 point Bitch Challenge at the Biggenden Show.

Pria (WP Whiz Kid) and Mick (WP Mick Dundee) earned their 2nd HSAs passes, with more great work.  Was very nice to have some experienced people say Pria's run was extremely pretty and stylish. The sheep were light with a strong desire to run back to the holding pen but Pria did a great job flanking out wide to let the sheep know she was blocking their escape. 

Tess (WP Inevitablue) did a great job, building on her work from the day before she took the sheep around the entire course and penned them, just lost 1 too many points at the entry to the Y chute so she had a NQ score of 82.  Very happy as she drove the sheep nicely from the Y chute to runway panels. 

May 14, 2016

Such a great day for WP dogs at the Border Collie Herding Trial. Mindy (WP Soul Sister), with her puppies just 8 weeks old, had her 2nd time herding this year and earned her 2nd HT pass (she got one last year) which gives her the HT title.  She was working so well that we moved her up to the Pre Trial class, which is in the much bigger arena.  She has never even worked in that sized area or even penned sheep before but she did an amazing job. Mindy has a natural cover, flanks and likes to control the sheep from their eyes.  So just on instinct and biddability she also earned her first PT pass.  

Zac (WP Custom Made) and Tess (WP Inevitablue) were in the Novice class.  The levels are HT, PT, Started, Novice, Intermediate & Advanced.  The Novice class is the first level where the dog has to move sheep away from the handler and take the sheep to the obstacles by themselves.  Zac did well, the sheep were quite light so he lost points on retreats but did some nice driving work. He got his 2nd HNAs pass.  Tess has had a break from sheep herding for 3 years but is now getting her mojo back.   Belinda retired her at the y chute as she was working well and its baby steps to keep her happy in her work.  

Pria (WP Whiz Kid) and Mick (WP Mick Dundee) did great work to both earn their first HSAs passes.  They have very much inherited their fathers (WP Bush Tribute) cover and balance, which means no matter where the handler walks they naturally adjust themselves to keep the sheep following the handler.

May 11, 2016

For something a little different, here is the last horse we bred, Max (Tigers Sweet Invite).  Max is now 3 yo and is owned and loved by Stephanie Watson. 

At this years Australian Quarter Horse Nationals, Max was -

. Champion Hack 15hh and over
. Champion Prelim 1.3 Dressage
. Reserve Champion Novice 2.1 Dressage
. 3rd in Hunter in Hand
. 6th in Hunter Under Saddle

May 06, 2016

Anna returns to the show ring after Sydney Royal and wins a Bitch Challenge and Puppy in Group. 

May 02, 2016

Our new babies!  Alby (WP Alby Mangles), Dusk (WP Kakadu Dusk) and Sunny (WP Kimberley Sunset).  Alby's parents are Mick & Bree, Dusk's are Mick & Breeze and Sunny's are Ted & Mindy.

May 01, 2016

Zac (WP Custom Made) spent this weekend working for 3 full days at the Melbourne Dog Lovers Show.  He went on his first plane trip and just loved the fancy dog friendly hotel accomodation. As per usual he was very well behaved and charismatic, visiting his friends on the ZiwiPeak stand, after stopping in for a massage at the K9 Rehabilitation stand!  He really is essence of a 'cool dude'

April 23, 2016

We've been training hard in preparation for the herding trials coming up,  here is some footage of the dogs concentrating hard

Mick (WP Mick Dundee)

Pria (WP Whiz Kid) learning to stay calm walking straight lines

Kelly (Erudite Fantasia), a daughter of Pria (WP Whiz Kid) at 17 weeks old, learning to group the sheep together

Finally Tess (WP Inevitablue) dealing with some stubborn sheep while she learns all about yard trials.

April 21, 2016

Zac (WP Custom Made) just wrapped up 3 days filming for the new Steggles TV ad.  He is always such a good boy, with one of the ex A Country Practice actors saying that he needs to be made a star.  Several scenes required him to perform a sequence of tasks with his handler out of sight.  He also had to work directly under the control of the actors for over an hour with his handler back at the film base, as filming was in a moving car.

April 12, 2016

Some of our gorgeous puppies we have here currently. All have beautiful homes waiting for them. 

April 10, 2016

This is a Pria (WP Whiz Kid) daughter at 12 weeks old.  Her sire lives in America and this mating was done as an outcross knowing we wouldnt go backwards in working ability or temperament.  With more people in America doing performance sports and competitive herding with cattle dogs than here in Australia, it is easier to look for those trainability traits in proven dogs,hence bringing in frozen semen from overseas.  All those letters on the ends of many of our dogs names are proof they can perform. 

We look forward to down the track crossing the chunky, Best of Breed Sydney Royal winner Mick (WP Mick Dundee) back over them. 

April 9, 2016

Great day for WP youngsters with Willow (WP Deja Blue) winning Best of Breed and Puppy In Group in Queensland and Jessie (WP Xtra Special) winning ANOTHER class in show - Puppy in Show in NSW.  Jessie has also just become an Australian Champion.  So proud of these girls owners for obviously doing a great job with them.



March 28, 2016


The final day of judging at Sydney Royal Easter Show and both Mick (WP Mick Dundee) and Anna (WP Have A Lil Faith) did so well.  Anna was short listed for Puppy in Group, in a very competitve line up.  She just showed her little legs off.  Was a great show with Sandra chief groomer, strapper and exerciser and Belinda piloting the dogs in the ring.  As always one of the biggest buzzes is to have so many compliments from other working dog breeders about our dogs attitudes and temperaments.

Both dogs were great in the benching area being patted by 100's of visitors.

March 22, 2016

The very photogenic boys Zac (WP Custom Made) and Ted (WP Bush Tribute) were asked to participate in the Grand Parade at the Easter Show.  Zac got very excited when he saw the campdrafting steers but sadly he didn get to do anything that exciting. Although the Murray Grey bull taking off right next to us added a bit of drama! As usual these boys were great ambassadors for the breed.

March 20, 2016

What a day!! The biggest dog show in Australia, Sydney Royal, we had 4 entered with Mick (WP Mick Dundee) winning his Aus Bred class then getting Dog Challenge. Anna (WP Have A Lil Faith) won her Puppy Bitch class, Reece (WP Legally Blue) was 2nd in her Junior Bitch class and Lace (WP Denim & Lace) won her Open Bitch class. Anna then came back and won Challenge Bitch! So with full siblings in for Best of Breed Mick was selected! Anna then beat the Reserve Challange Dog for Runner Up Best of Breed.  What a show! 

Willowpark- Best of Breed, Runner Up Best of Breed and Puppy of Breed at Sydney Royal. This is also the 4th year in a row that Willowpark wins Puppy of Breed. We don't campaign show dogs, we title our young dogs and concentrate on improving every generation.  



March 19, 2016

We took 3 girls to the NSW Specialty ACD Show with all 3 finishing in the ribbons. Lace (WP Denim & Lace) was 2nd in a competitive Open Bitch class, Anna (WP Have A Lil Faith) was 2nd in a large Puppy Bitch class and Reece (WP Legally Blue)  was 3rd in Junior Bitch. We took them as they needed just a bit more ring practice for Sydney Royal

March 5, 2016

What a day for Anna (WP Have A Lil Faith) winning two Best of Breeds totalling 24 points and winning a Runner Up Best in Group.  Anna only went into the puppy class this weekend, as she had just turned 9 months old.  We were really happy that the judge thought she was the 2nd best working dog overall.

February 28, 2016

Tess (WP Inevitablue) finishes off her HNAcattle herding title with 2 first places.  She hasnt done any work since April last year so we are very happy with her.  Zac (WP Custom Made) also did well with his first HNAsheep pass.  They were very light lambs that had not seen a dog for 6 months. 

February 20, 2016

Anna (WP Have A Lil Faith) won herself another Minor Puppy In Group at Maitland Ag Show and had a lovely time with her Field Spaniel friend Moo.

February 12, 2016

Zac (WP Custom Made) did his biggest job yet, starring in a documentary filmed by the guys from Nat Geo Wild and Shark Week.  He worked alongside Ned, a red kangaroo and they recreated a story about a woman and her dog being attacked by a kangaroo.  On set for over 10 hours Zac worked his blue butt off with various scenes for the sequence of events. He worked great with the actress and then had to film scenes with Ned both on land and in the dam. Zac was amazing showing trained 'aggression' on cue inches from Ned, then relaxing between takes. He worked offlead in the dam with Ned.


February 9, 2016

Tess (WP Inevitablue) and Pria (WP Whiz Kid) did a photoshoot with their puppies.  Everyone was surprisingly co operative, including the sheep!

February 7, 2016

8 month old Anna (WP Have A Lil Faith) won herself 2 bitch challenges and runner up best of breeds this weekend and also a Minor Puppy in Group under a breed specialist.  We just love how this girl is growing.

February 6, 2016

The gorgeous Jessie (WP Xtra Special) is back in the ring after finishing last year as the Number 1 Rising Star for ACD's in Australia.  Her older sister is just now starting to fill out like their mother Sophie.  Jessie will only keep getting better and better.

January 26, 2016

Jemma (WP Shez My Kind) did us proud at the Australia Day Show in Sydney.  With an entry of 12 cattle dogs she won Bitch Challenge, Runner up Best of Breed and Minor in Group.

January 22, 2016

A lovely update from Elizabeth. Queenie is from Mick & Lace.

"Hi Sandra. Queenie is an amazing puppy and she has fitted into our lives beautifully. She is confident, smart,gentle, placid, big personality and loves life!!! She is quite a character and we love her dearly. Thank you so much for her"

January 19, 2016

These puppies are so very cute. The Pria (WP Whiz Kid) puppies born on Christmas Day.  Currently 3.5 weeks old.

Tess (WP Inevitablue) and Mick ( WP Mick Dundee) have made some special puppies as well, here are some of the 7 - 4 boys and 3 girls. Currently just over 2 weeks old.

January 3, 2016

What a great day for Willowpark girls across 2 states.  Both in the Minor Puppy class, Willow (WP Deja Blue) and Jemma (WP Shez My Kind) beat competition to both win Bitch Challenge. Willow in QLD and Jemma in NSW

This is Jemma relaxing at home

Also a great day with Tess (WP Inevitablue) having 7 healthy puppies to Mick (WP Mick Dundee).  4 boys and 3 girls


Contact Details

Sandra Stapley
Nabiac, NSW, Australia
Phone : 0431431814
Email : [email protected]